I'm so happy you're here! My name is Louisa and my goal is to impact people's lives through all things yoga- just as it has greatly impacted and changed my life for the better. I studied ballet pre-professionally for 16 years, and while I absolutely loved it, the ballet community is not one known for being fully supportive and accepting, especially when it comes to body image. I craved a sense of community with no judgement, and that is why at 16 years old I went to my first yoga class at this new studio called Radiant Hot Yoga. Before the end of my first class I already knew I found something that would drastically change my life. Fast forward to 18 years old, and I had completed my 200 hour teacher training and was a part of a strong and loving family. Later on I went on to complete my 90 hour kids yoga training in both Florida and Canada with Rainbow Yoga, and shortly after got my first teaching job, at age 19, as the kids yoga teacher at Radiant Hot Yoga. Not long after, however, Covid-19 closed down my classes. Missing the fulfillment that the practice and spirituality of yoga gave me, I signed up for a virtual retreat called Nourish to Flourish put on by Clariness (IG @clariness.co). This 7 day retreat consisted of 3 daily sessions with many different teachers, one being Ava Johanna (IG @avajohanna). Ava puts on virtual breathwork and meditation certification programs, the Academy of Breath, and I quickly signed up for the next one being put on. I completed this program in the end of October and received my certification on November 4, 2020. Starting my own business has been something I've wanted to do for years now, and at first I told myself I would start it in the new year, but then I realized there really was no point in waiting. What good would that do for me other than make me miss out on all I could achieve and learn in the time spent waiting? I knew that I could get my business up and running before the end of the year, and I did not want to procrastinate and lose any time- plus I was so excited to finally start and I did not see any reason to wait! After many hours finalizing my website, putting together my social media and offerings, and setting all the details, I was finally ready to go live on December 1, 2020. With my first month coming to a close, I could not be more grateful for starting when I did. I can not wait for this to grow and to build my own Yogi on Pointe community and family. I hope that you stick around with me and grow with the business and myself!

Stay safe and healthy!