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How To Make A Vision Board


I'm sure you have heard the words "vision board" before, especially around New Years. Vision boards are a great tool to aid in manifestation, inspiration, and motivation. I have been lucky enough to learn about how to make a vision board through my Radiant Hot Yoga teachers training and through a master class with Ava Johanna- as well as through my own making of vision boards. Today, I'll share with you how I go about my vision board making process and how you can start making yours too in order to bring more abundance into the new year.

The very first step in making a vision board is to actually know and understand what you are making. A vision board is a visual representation of all you want to manifest into your life. This could be job success, a growing business, wealth, health, a dream vacation, love, etc. What a vision board helps you do is bring clarity to your goals and desires for the year. By having this visual reminder easily accessible everyday, you are kept more focused on these goals and start to re-wire the brain into more strongly believing that you are capable of reaching them. Typically, a vision board is made at the start of each year, during the time that everyone is setting their New Year's resolutions, however you can make one anytime of the year. All you need before jumping into making your own vision board is a cork board, magazines or printed out pictures and words, tape, scissors, pens, and anything else you may want to decorate your board with. You can even make your vision board completely online!

Before even starting on my vision board making process, I always like to prepare the room and myself for this yearly ritual. To prepare the space I will be working in, I like to put on some calming music, light a candle or incense, and make sure I have a comfortable space set up. To prepare myself mentally, I'll make a cup of tea, put some essential oils on, and do a short breathwork/meditation practice in order to center myself and clear my mind. During my mediation, I focus on what positive affirmation would serve me most and that I need most in the upcoming year. For example, my positive affirmation for this year is "I am infinite". You do not have to do exactly what I do, but make sure you make the space you are in and yourself comfortable before starting.

Once you are ready, start by defining your goals, experiences, and desires for the year. Put simply, take time to self-reflect on what matters most to you. What you choose could be long-term or short-term, just make sure that these are attainable goals. For example, if you wanted to manifest growth in wealth, it would be unrealistic to put that you want to be a billionaire by the end of the year. Instead, focus on simply putting images or words representing growth in wealth in general or a specific goal that is possible to be reached.

What I like to do is put these desires into 7 categories. The categories I usually use are as listed:




-relationships (family, friends, etc)




Feel free to change or add to any of the categories when making your list- or don't use categories at all if they do not suit you. When first making vision boards, I would not use categories, but found later on they helped me better focus on my goals and desires.

I will normally put around 4 different desires under each category, and when this is done I bring out the magazines. The next step is to go through whatever material you have for images and words that represent the desires you just listed. These can come from magazines, books, websites, etc. I prefer to find my images from different magazines. A great online option for buying magazines is Magazine Cafe.

After cutting out these different words and images, the next step is to bring it all together. Grabbing your cork board, cut-out words and images, and all other decorative items you may have, it is now time to get creative. There are no rules to how or where you place your images and words on the board. What I like to do is keep all of the categories together, with the most desirable of them closer towards the middle. If you need, Pinterest is a great tool to use in order to find some inspiration for your board.

When you are done, you should have a visual representation of you 2.0. What I do in order to fully benefit from my board, truly re-wire my brain into believing I can achieve all I put down, and to allow the Law of Attraction to work, I put my vision board in a place where I can see it every single day. By seeing my desires all put onto this board, I am more focused on my goals and on the steps I need to be taking in order to reach them. A year later, before making your next vision board, take time to reflect on how the universe brought you to or closer to the desires you put down. You will likely be quite surprised at just how much you have grown and accomplished in such a short amount of time.

Now it is time to start aligning yourself with your divine desires- have fun!

With love,





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