Garudasana, also known as Eagle Pose, is a very dynamic, cleansing and intense pose...and it also happens to be one of my favorites! This pose feels amazing and is so deeply detoxifying and good for the body. Because it requires balance and focus (both qualities that are improved from practicing this pose), Eagle Pose is both a stretch and a workout. The core and legs are strengthened as the upper back, shoulders, hips, and hamstrings are stretched. The crossing of the legs and arms acts as a massage for the body, as all 12 major joints are compressed and blood flow is constricted and slowed. When the pose is released, a fresh, oxygenated blood flow is released throughout the body. Improved blood flow also improves the immune system. The pose also helps open up the shoulders and lungs to promote deeper breathing, and the pose helps align our chakras.
Eagle Pose awakens the Root Chakra, Muladhara Chakra, through the strong connection there is with the ground. Awakening this chakra aids in self-confidence and helps you feel grounded and connected to your past and all deep-seated beliefs, memories, and people that represent your past self. The Third Eye Chakra, Ajna Chakra, is also stimulated. This increases awareness, intuition, and clear thinking. When put together, the Third Eye Chakra aids in making wise decisions and trusting your intuition, while the Root Chakra aids in reflecting on what matters most to you as you make these decisions.
Throw Eagle Pose into your current practice, and for extra benefits, try doing it barefoot outside!

with love,